We provide our clients with practical and commercial advice, applying the highest professional standards. Our members combine advisory work with litigation and advocacy services. Whilst we commonly appear in the High Court and the higher appellate Courts our members provide excellent service standards irrespective of forum and the financial worth of a case.
Our reputation is built and maintained on our uncompromising approach and client-friendly ethos. We are regularly involved in arbitration and mediation and, if a matter is fought in the Courts, our members have a reputation for strong and incisive advocacy backed by firm negotiating skills
Our clients are individual and corporate, national and multi-national, plc and private. Clients span all industries and include banks (including clearing and secondary), developers, retailers, manufacturers, services, professional bodies, government agencies and local authorities.
We accept instructions from all those permitted so to do under the rules of the Bar Council. We welcome instructions from overseas lawyers and through the Licensed Access Rules.
A copy of our services standards is available to download here.