Satinder Hunjan KC has successfully represented a claimant in a very complex and high value case arising out of congenital disabilities which the Claimant alleged resulted from his mother being given oncology drugs whilst, unbeknown to her, pregnant with the Claimant.

The issues in this case were fairly intricate and required a considered approach from Leading Counsel relating to both the factual and medical elements in particular, the issues of causation. The injuries which the Claimant suffered were very severe; they involved severe congenital deformities involving the spinal column and spinal cord and the lower limbs including bilateral talipes equinovarus and distal arthrogryposis.

The Claimant deployed evidence from a Consultant in Oncology, a Consultant in Feto-Medicine and a Consultant in Tetralogy. The identification, collation of opinions and presentation of the appropriate experts was challenging and required an experienced legal team to navigate. The Defendant mounted a full defence on all issues initially however, following in-depth discussion and negotiations the matter has been compromised in terms of liability to 50% in the Claimant’s favour.

Satinder Hunjan KC was instructed in PX v. Wolverhampton NHS Trust by Tim Gray, Partner at FBC Solicitors.

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