New Edition of Judicial Review: Law and Practice
The second edition of Judicial Review: Law and Practice by The Hon Mrs Justice Patterson DBE and Sam Karim was published this week. The new edition has been extensively rewritten to provide practitioners with a comprehensive companion to judicial review proceedings. It covers the substantive law of judicial review including grounds of review and remedies, and looks in detail at the practice and procedure specific to such claims. This element of the book has been significantly extended. Additional contributors also include: Simon Burrows, Colin Crawford, Jonathan Easton, Adam Fullwood,Anthony Gill, Freddie Humphreys and previous member First Tier Tribunal Judge Plimmer.
Whether you are a specialist public lawyer or whether you practice in areas of law where expertise in judicial review is required, Judicial Review: Law and Practice provides the guidance you need to take on and manage cases confidently.
To purchase a copy of this book please click here.
Furthermore, this is the second book published by a member of the public team within the last 6 months. Sam Karim also edited the BILD book entitled “A human rights perspective on reducing restrictive practices in intellectual disability and autism” This book explores the importance of human rights legislation and ethical decision making on reducing the use of restrictive practices when supporting people with an intellectual disability and people with autism.
To purchase a copy of this book please click here.
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