Killian Garvey Finds Fault In North Warwickshire’s Housing Figures

Killian Garvey, acting for Muller Property Group, secures consent for 79 residential units and associated access in Ansley, Warwickshire.

Since the adoption of the North Warwickshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2014, North Warwickshire Borough Council have asserted that they have a 5 year supply of housing. This position had never been successfully challenged since the adoption of the plan. Indeed, at the appeal the Council claimed a 9.4 year supply of housing. However, the Appellants were successful in challenging these assumptions, which resulted in the Inspector finding that the Council have a 3.5 year supply of housing. It followed, therefore, that the weighted planning balance within paragraph 14 of the National Policy Planning Framework determined whether planning permission should be granted.

Even within this context, the Council still asserted that the landscape harm associated with the approved development would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits. However, the Inspector sided with the Appellant on this matter and determined that the landscape harm would only be moderate.

Accordingly, the Inspector granted permission in accordance with paragraph 14 of the NPPF.

For the full decision please follow the below link –


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