“I am extremely grateful to DCET for assisting me to secure a work placement over the summer. Being a law student, work experience is essential, however, it is also extremely difficult to attain for a first generation law student with no legal connections. A stressful conversation ensued with David, who appreciated the difficulty of this, and stated that he would see what he could do. Subsequent events culminated in a two week work placement with Hill Dickinson LLP and, in turn, a mini-pupillage at Kings Chambers in Manchester – opportunities like these do not often present themselves to students in my situation, but they have thanks to DCET. For once I do not have to shy
away from conversations with my peers at University regarding work placements.
For aspiring barristers, mini-pupillages are essential as one gains an insight into life at the Bar, however, such placements are extremely difficult to secure. During my mini-pupillage at Kings Chambers, I attended trials at court, hearing prosecution and defence submissions, witness testimonies, and the subsequent judgments of the cases. In addition, I attended conferences with clients, and had the opportunity to examine relevant case papers and associated court bundles; giving a real insight into life at the Bar. Since completing my work placement, I have continued to stay in touch with the barrister at Kings Chambers.
I cannot thank David, and Nigel, enough for these opportunities which do not often present themselves to people in my situation. I now have more confidence in who I am, my aspirations for the future and achieving my goals”
Rebekah Officer
University of Bristol
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