Ben Williams advises Blackpool Borough Council in respect of an Early Morning Restriction Order.

Blackpool Councillors have unanimously rejected a decision to implement an EMRO in their town centre prohibiting the sale of alcohol after 3am within a defined area. Over the course of a four day hearing, the police called 35 witnesses who spoke in favour of the order. Following the police case, a number of local business owners and affected individuals spoke against it. The matter had been out for consultation in 2013 and had been adjourned from December 2013 when a number of objectors had requested an adjournment on procedural grounds. The decision will now move to full Council for ratification, however, in rejecting the EMRO, the Licensing Committee have made a number of recommendations for ratification at full Council.

Given the importance of the decision, the threat ofJudicial Review from both sides and the large number of represented parties, Ben was asked to act as legal advisor for the duration of the hearing.

A copy of the decision together with the reasons and the recommendations for future partnership working can be found here.


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