Year of call: 2009
Richard acts for all parties in a wide range of matters relating to healthcare and social care, in particular:
Richard is regularly instructed to act for Claimants and Defendants (including via the official solicitor), in abuse and human rights act claims, including ‘failure to remove’.
Richard’s experience includes:
Richard is one of only 7 barristers outside of London ranked in Chambers and Partners for Civil Liberties and Human Rights (2025 edition). He is also ranked in this area at Tier 2 in the Legal 500 (2025)
Breach of Art.8 by local authority in failing to facilitate contact between C and his wife (Claimant);
Art.5 breach failure to authorise deprivation of liberty, or failure to bring s.21A proceedings
Alleged breaches of Art.2, 3, 5 and 8 by a nursing home (Defendant) – application to strike out on the basis that the Defendant was not a public authority.
Article 6 and 8 claims arising from misuse of s.20 accommodation;
Article 8 claim for failure by local authority to facilitate contact between siblings in care;
Historic sexual abuse by serving police officer (led by Satinder Hunjan KC);
Vicarious liability claim from violent assault by door staff at a casino;
Death of care-home resident who suffered from Korsakoff's dementia and lacked the capacity to make decisions about care and treatment. He was permitted to decline all personal care, and over many weeks developed a skin infection which developed into sepsis—acting for family/estate in a claim in tort / for breach of Art. 2 and Art.3.;
Advising on aggravated and exemplary damages for Claimants unlawfully imprisoned and tortured during the Cyprus Emergency;
Historic sexual abuse by a football coach;
Grooming and sexual abuse by Catholic Priest;
HRA claim for breach of Article 2 Protocol 1 right to education;
Alleged failure to adequately safeguard vulnerable adult in supported living who tended to bang her head and died when she suffered a TBI in her room;
Breach of Data Protection Act by local authority in disclosing sensitive personal information about domestic violence.
Richard acts for both Claimants and Defendants in Clinical Negligence matters of substantial complexity and severity, both alone and as a junior.
Richard is ranked in both the Legal 500 (Tier 2) and Chambers and Partners (Band 3) for his Clinical Negligence work.
Particular Areas of Expertise:
Successful defence at trial of a claim for alleged negligent performance of surgery to nasal septum.
Success at trial for Claimant alleging a failure to obtain his fully informed consent to gastric surgery.
Negligent whole-brain radiation causing diffuse white matter brain injury, combined with negligent post-surgical drain removal causing necrotising pancreatitis, valued at £3,500,000;
Negligent delay in returning to theatre to treat duodenal perforation, materially contributing to post-operative disability;
Negligent management of labour, resulting in stillbirth. Claim on behalf of mother who suffered very severe PTSD and had not returned to work at 3 years. Settled at mediation for £300,000;
Fetal developmental defects caused by chemotherapy in utero during first trimester (as junior to Satinder Hunjan KC);
Delayed diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma in the knee, value £500,000;
Failure by GP to diagnose breast cancer, C required mastectomy and developed chronic post-surgical pain. Value £800,000;
Secondary victim claims by various family members of child who collapsed at home and died from undiagnosed sepsis;
Failure to diagnose nasal carcinoma leading to total rhinectomy, significant facial disfigurement, loss of smell and taste, etc. Value £300K. Settled at mediation;
Failure by dentist to refer to suspicious lesion, leading to delay in diagnosis or oral carcinoma, jaw resection, extensive reconstructive surgery.
Richard acts for all interested parties in Court of Protection cases (and related matters in the High Court) in relation to deprivation of liberty, health/welfare, and medical treatment.
Richard is available to give urgent advice on serious medical treatment cases where necessary.
Richard is ranked Tier 2 in the Legal 500 for Court of Protection (2025).
Richard has particular experience in the following areas:
Inherent Jurisdiction
Injunctions and Contempt
Urgent SMT Application in relation to prisoner with diabetic foot disease who was declining life-saving amputation;
Representing the local authority where P, an autistic adult, was refusing diabetic treatment/management and had a co-dependent relationship with his main carer;
Advising NHS trust where patient refusing life-saving surgery for internal bleeding;
Acting for mother of autistic adults where LA alleging that they are subject to coercion and unable to make their own decisions;
Acting for mother of P, opposing COVID vaccination;
Acting for local authority, seeking order that P (adult with learning disabilities) should no longer live with her mother, due to the uninhabitable state of the property;
Advising NHS trust who were seeking to discharge a young person who was medically fit but where the clinical view was that the support package proposed by the local authority was inadequate to keep her safe.
Richard acts for families and other interested parties, primarily state bodies, in all kinds of inquests. He has extensive expertise in the application of Article 2 in both medical and non-medical spheres.
Richard is ranked in Band 2 of Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners for inquests in 2025
Particular areas of expertise
Social Care
Richard has particular experience in inquests involving social care/safeguarding/local authorities, examples include:
4-week jury inquest into the death of a detained patient with ASD and schizophrenia, who died from Psychogenic polydipsia, acting for the ICB.
Inquest into the Castlemartin tank incident (led by Michael Rawlinson KC);
See media coverage here (
Suicide of community patient where CAMHS had not communicated to her mother that the deceased would not be visited and so she was left alone and took her life;
Acting for hospital in 2-week Jury inquest into death of a detained psychiatric patient who absconded whilst on ground leave;
Suicide by serving soldier who complained of bullying and mistreatment by chain of command;
Jury inquest into RTA death where pedestrian was walking in inside lane of motorway at night, having recently been stopped by the police;
Suicide of community psychiatric patient who had been referred to the emergency duty team shortly before his death, but had been 'triaged' by unqualified staff, raising issues of whether there was a 'real and immediate' risk to his life;
Neonatal death reported as a 'stillbirth', but which the coroner found was not;
Death of a spectator at a mountain-biking event, caused when a competitor left the course and collided with her.
Chambers and Partners 2025
“Richard is very good to work with – he’s a really bright bloke and really understands mediation and how to use it.”
“When you have a healthcare inquest, Richard is a go-to choice because of his deep understanding of medical implications.”
“Richard Borrett is very thorough and on top of all details, particularly with medical inquests.”
Legal 500 2025
‘Richard listens to the client’s position and is able to articulate this clearly to the other parties during advocacy. He offers good advice on the proceedings and the client’s position, identifying any risks or problems that might arise as a result.’
‘Richard is excellent with clients in inquests and he is very sensitive in his dealing with local authority clients and social workers. He gets to grips with a large amount of documentation very quickly and is very good on his feet, getting to the issue quickly.’
Pupillage Recruitment Coordinator 2019 –