Year of call: 2008
Anthony Gill practises in all areas of Town and Country Planning. He has particular experience in specialist housing forms such as Extra Care, Self-Build and Purpose Built Student Accommodation. In recent years he has developed a speciality in the law surrounding Assets of Community Value advising both the owners of nominated assets and listing authorities.
Anthony is regularly instructed to assist in preparing planning application documentation and representations to examinations in public. He has acted as counsel to four different local plan examinations helping his local planning authority clients to navigate the examination process.
He accepts instructions in the field of Highways Law, including advisory work and appearances at diversion and definitive map modification order inquiries. Anthony also advises on Town and Village Green applications.
Anthony is regularly instructed to draft papers in statutory challenges and Judicial Review proceedings in the High Court. Anthony has experience appearing in the High Court on planning matters.
He has experience appearing in the Upper Tribunal Lands Chamber and advising on references to the Tribunal. He recently represented multiple claimants for compensation along the length of a strategic road project in Lancashire.
Anthony practises in licensing, and has particular experience in appeals relating to premises licences. Anthony appears before the Traffic Commissioner representing both licence holders and objecting parties.
Away from chambers Anthony and his wife are kept busy by their five young children. He is a school governor of a local primary school in Manchester. He is a trustee of an orchestra and of the nationally recognised Z-Arts venue in Hulme, South Manchester.
Year of Call: 2008
Legal 500 2023
“Tony gets straight to the point and is keen to seek constructive resolution of matters rather than dealing just with advocacy. He is knowledgable, approachable and well-liked by clients.”
Chambers UK 2023
“A pleasure to work with, and really gets down to the commercial heart of the matter.”
“A skilled and powerful advocate, he uses these skills to great effect in the inquiry room.”
“Anthony is an excellent team player and gives very firm advice.”
Chambers UK 2022
“Anthony brings considerable intellectual firepower to bear when solving problems.”
Chambers UK 2021
“He’s meticulous and very approachable.”
Legal 500 2021
“Tony got to grips with the key issues very quickly, and was adept at highlighting the matters that the witnesses needed to focus on. He was also a very good sounding board when our client was considering its commercial strategy.”
Chambers UK 2020
“Approachable and very easy to work with.” “He will really fight your corner.” “He is very technical with an excellent grasp on the commercial reality of matters.”
Chambers UK 2018
“He has all the intellectual fire power you could want and is also very decent to deal with.” “Absolutely excellent and has a very nice manner. He is all over the detail, very bright, down to earth and well grounded. He is also very hard-working and responsive.”
Chambers UK 2017
“He is a hard-working, incisive and commercial operator.” “He is a friendly character and makes sure you cover everything. He picks up on things you might not have thought of.”